Party Wall Agreements Template

Party Wall Agreements Template: A Guide for Successful Construction Projects

Construction projects always involve risks and uncertainties, especially when it comes to the bordering property and its owners. A party wall agreement is a legal tool used to manage the potential damages and disputes that can arise during construction. In this article, we will explore the basics of party wall agreements and provide a template to help you create a solid agreement outline.

What is a Party Wall Agreement?

A party wall agreement is a binding legal document that is created between two or more property owners sharing a boundary wall or fence. The agreement typically outlines the responsibilities and liabilities of each party during construction, renovation, or repair work that affects the shared structure. The aim is to ensure that the work does not cause damage to the adjoining property and that the needs of both parties are considered.

Why Do You Need a Party Wall Agreement?

A party wall agreement is necessary to protect both parties during the construction process. The process of constructing, repairing, or renovating a structure can cause damage to the adjoining property, and this damage can lead to legal disputes and costly repairs. By having an agreement in place, both parties can identify potential risks and ensure that each party is responsible for their own costs and damages.

What Should a Party Wall Agreement Cover?

A party wall agreement should cover a few important issues to ensure that both parties are protected. Here is a list of some crucial elements that should be included in a party wall agreement:

1. Description of the property and the shared structure – This should include the location of the shared structure and the boundaries of the property.

2. Scope of work – This should outline the proposed work that affects the shared structure and the timeline for completion.

3. Responsibilities of each party – This should identify the responsibilities of each party and the associated costs.

4. Access rights – This should detail how the parties will access the shared structure during construction and when they need to do maintenance work.

5. Indemnification – This should state that each party will bear their own costs and damages.

6. Dispute resolution – This should outline the procedure for resolving any disputes that may arise.

7. Insurance requirements – This should detail the insurance requirements for each party.

Party Wall Agreement Template

To help you create a solid agreement outline, here is an example of a party wall agreement template.

1. Parties

This agreement is made between [Party A] (“Owner A”), [Party B] (“Owner B”), and [Party C] (“Surveyor”).

2. Property and Shared Structure

The shared structure is located at [address] and is owned by Owner A and Owner B.

3. Scope of Work

This agreement covers the proposed work of [description of work] and the timeline for completion.

4. Responsibilities of Each Party

Owner A will [responsibilities of Owner A].

Owner B will [responsibilities of Owner B].

5. Access Rights

Owner A and Owner B will provide reasonable access to the shared structure to complete the work.

6. Indemnification

Each party will bear their own costs and damages associated with the work.

7. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes will be resolved through mediation, and if necessary, arbitration.

8. Insurance Requirements

Owner A and Owner B will obtain adequate insurance coverage for the work.


By creating a party wall agreement, you can ensure that both parties are protected during the construction process. The agreement outlines the responsibilities of each party, the associated costs, access rights, and dispute resolution procedures. Use the above template as a starting point to create a solid agreement outline for your next construction project.
