Attached Please Find the Signed Contract

As a professional, I would advise against using the phrase “attached please find the signed contract” in any written communication.

Firstly, it is considered outdated and formal language, which may not be well-received in a modern work setting. Secondly, the phrase does not offer much value in terms of search engine optimization (SEO).

When it comes to SEO, every word counts in determining the relevance and ranking of your content. Therefore, it is essential to choose your words wisely and ensure that they add value to your content.

Instead of using the phrase “attached please find the signed contract,” consider the following alternatives:

1. “Enclosed is the signed contract for your review.”

2. “I have attached the signed contract for your records.”

3. “Please review and sign the attached contract.”

These alternatives are more concise, direct, and to the point, making them more engaging to the reader. They also offer relevant keywords that can improve your content`s SEO.

In conclusion, as a professional, I recommend avoiding the use of the phrase “attached please find the signed contract” in any written communication. Instead, opt for more concise, direct, and relevant alternatives that can improve your content`s readability and search engine ranking.
